We are advocates for the exposure of corruption, kleptocracy and human rights abuses in the former Soviet republics of Eastern Europe and Central Asia.


Independence, impartiality, integrity: we are founded on these three principles. All our of work is meticulously researched, fact-checked and transparent.

That’s what it takes to expose corruption – and make a positive impact for the peoples of Eurasia.

Our latest reports


We publish reports concerning a number of key areas.

Corruption & Money Laundering

Reports on kleptocracy and state-sanctioned financial crimes and abuses of power.

Women’s Rights

Reports on systemic abuses and discriminatory actions by governments, state organisations and powerful individuals.


Reports on humanitarian crises, displacement of people and abuses of political and state powers.

Human Rights

Reports on state-sanctioned violence and suppression of dissent; persecutions and harassment of journalists and media organisations.

Abuses of Rule of Law

Reports on political, legislative and constitutional abuses to protect anti-democratic regimes.

Have Information?

If you have information about cases of corruption or human rights abuses in Central Asia, contact us here in confidence.

Have Information?

If you have information about cases of corruption or human rights abuses in Central Asia, contact us here in confidence.


Karakalpak activist abducted in Moscow airport Zhetkerbai Abdramanov Transferred from Tashkent SGB to Nukus

Freedom For Eurasia Condemns Kyrgyz Officials Participation in Lukashenko’s Sham Election; Calls for Sanctions

Indira Muratova, Wife of Karakalpak Activist Akylbek Muratov Harassed by Detention Officers in Kazakhstan

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