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Author name: Freedom for Eurasia

Tajikistan: Member of IRPT and the subcommittee of the national reconciliation commission died in prison

Muhammadali Faizmuhammad, 65, one of the prominent leaders of Islamic Renaissance Party of Tajikistan (IRPT), died Friday, July 26, in a prison hospital in Vahdat. He suffered from heart failure and diabetes. In 2023 it was already reported that he is in poor health as he lost use of his leg due to health complications. …

Tajikistan: Member of IRPT and the subcommittee of the national reconciliation commission died in prison Read More »

Karakalpak activist Hamdullaev Azizbek detained in Kazakhstan

Freedom for Eurasia has received information that on July 23, 2024, the Committee of National Security of Kazakhstan arrested another Karakalpak, Hamdullaev Azizbek, who resides permanently in Almaty. Currently, there are no details about the arrest. However, according to Azizbek’s relatives, the arrest is related to his TikTok channel, where he posted videos about Karakalpakstan’s …

Karakalpak activist Hamdullaev Azizbek detained in Kazakhstan Read More »

Supreme Court of Uzbekistan denied the revision appeal of Dauletmurat Tajimuratov

Earlier today, at 11 am, the Supreme Court of Uzbekistan held a session to consider Dauletmurat Tajimuratov’s revision appeal. However, the court failed to adequately consider his case, ultimately rejecting his claims of unlawful sentence and upholding the decision for him to serve time in a maximum-security prison. Despite the efforts of Tajimuratov’s lawyer, Sergey …

Supreme Court of Uzbekistan denied the revision appeal of Dauletmurat Tajimuratov Read More »

The Revision Appeal of Dauletmurat Tajimuratov

Tomorrow, July 23, 2024 at 11 AM, the Supreme Court of Uzbekistan in Tashkent will review the revision appeal of Dauletmurat Tajimuratov, a Karakalpak human rights defender and lawyer. Tajimuratov was convicted for events on July 1-2 in Karakalpakstan following his arrest due to his opposition to proposed constitutional amendments that would undermine Karakalpakstan’s rights …

The Revision Appeal of Dauletmurat Tajimuratov Read More »

Aqylbek Muratbay, a Karakalpak Human rights defender is celebrating his 36 birthday in prison

Today marks Aqylbek Muratbay’s birthday, which he unfortunately spends in unlawful detention at Almaty’s pre-trial detention center number 18, Kazakhstan. Aqylbek has been detained until February 15, 2025, while Kazakh authorities consider his asylum application. Muratbay’s arrest was based on an extradition request by Uzbekistan, which has fabricated charges against him due to his human rights …

Aqylbek Muratbay, a Karakalpak Human rights defender is celebrating his 36 birthday in prison Read More »

Karakalpakstan: Dauletmurat Tajimuratov transfer from prison to colony and his life is under threat

On July 8, Dauletmurat Tajimuratov was transferred from a prison to a maximum-security colony within the same penal institution No. 11 in Navoi. Although both facilities are in the same area and have one director, they are separated by a wall. Tajimuratov was sentenced to 16 years in the strict-regime colony, with the first two …

Karakalpakstan: Dauletmurat Tajimuratov transfer from prison to colony and his life is under threat Read More »

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