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Reports on state-sanctioned violence and suppression of dissent; persecutions and harassment of journalists and media organisations.

Access Now and Freedom of Eurasia Joint Submission to the United Nations Human Rights Council onthe Universal Periodic Review 49th SessionFourth Cycle for Kyrgyzstan

This joint submission by Access Now and Freedom for Eurasia to the UN Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR) assesses Kyrgyzstan’s human rights record, focusing on freedom of expression and related rights. The report highlights Kyrgyzstan’s intensified efforts to control independent media and online spaces through repressive legislation, including the Law on Protection from Inaccurate (False) Information and the Law on Foreign Representatives. This has led to increased criminal prosecution, detention, and imprisonment of journalists and social media users for expressing critical views. The submission documents instances of physical attacks, harassment, and online censorship, along with the arbitrary blocking of websites and internet shutdowns. While acknowledging a positive amendment to one article of the Criminal Code, the report emphasizes the disproportionate use of imprisonment for expressing dissent. It concludes by urging Kyrgyzstan to uphold international human rights standards by amending legislation, ensuring fair trials, protecting journalists, and ceasing online censorship.

  • Repressive Legislation: Laws like the “Law on Protection from Inaccurate (False) Information” and the “Law on Foreign Representatives” are used to stifle dissent, criminalizing critical opinions and restricting the activities of NGOs and media outlets. These laws are vaguely worded, enabling arbitrary enforcement.
  • Criminal Prosecution & Imprisonment of Journalists & Activists: Journalists and social media users face frequent criminal charges for expressing critical views, often resulting in lengthy pre-trial detention and imprisonment. Charges are frequently based on vague or broadly defined offenses.
  • Violence & Intimidation: Journalists experience physical attacks, harassment, and intimidation, often in retaliation for their work.
  • Online Censorship & Shutdowns: Websites and social media accounts of critical news outlets are regularly blocked or shut down under the guise of combating disinformation. Internet shutdowns have also been employed during periods of political unrest.
  • Unfair Trials & Lack of Due Process: Journalists and activists frequently face unfair trials lacking due process, with arbitrary restrictions on their defense.

The submission describes a systematic crackdown on freedom of expression in Kyrgyzstan, utilizing legal tools and extra-legal methods to silence critical voices and control information.

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