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Human Rights

Sovereignty of Karakalpakstan: a right or a dream of the people?

Modern Karakalpakstan is a quasi-state political entity, an administrative-territorial unit within Uzbekistan. Having adopted the Declaration on the State Sovereignty of Karakalpakstan on December 14, 1990, the political elite of Karakalpakstan signed an interstate agreement with the Uzbek political leadership on January 9, 1993, according to which Karakalpakstan became part of Uzbekistan with the status of an

Sovereignty of Karakalpakstan: a right or a dream of the people? Read More »

Appeal of the civil society of the Central Asian countries to the international community, governments, international institutions on the situation in Karakalpakstan

We, — non-governmental organizations, human rights defenders and civil activists, expressing our deep concern in connection with disturbing events in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, call on the UN Human Rights Council, governments of democratic countries and international organizations to address promptly the issue of the human rights situation in the Republic of Karakalpakstan. On 26

Appeal of the civil society of the Central Asian countries to the international community, governments, international institutions on the situation in Karakalpakstan Read More »

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