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Reports on state-sanctioned violence and suppression of dissent; persecutions and harassment of journalists and media organisations.

Karakalpakstan political prisoners

December 10, 2023 marks the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the date of adoption of which is celebrated around the world as Human Rights Day. On the eve of this date, we bring to your attention a preliminary list of political prisoners in Karakalpakstan.

It includes the names of civil society activists and participants in street protests in Karakalpakstan in July 2022, who, according to publicly available data, continue to remain in detention. All of them were convicted in five trials in 2022-2023. We will be grateful for any clarifications and additions to the list.

The list was drawn up in accordance with the PACE Resolution containing the criteria for the concept of a “political prisoner” (Resolution 1900 (2012)

In accordance with the Resolution

“A person deprived of his or her personal liberty is to be regarded as a ‘political prisoner’:

a. if the detention has been imposed in violation of one of the fundamental guarantees set out in the European Convention on Human Rights and its Protocols (ECHR), in particular freedom of thought, conscience and religion, freedom of expression and information, freedom of assembly and association;

b. if the detention has been imposed for purely political reasons without connection to any offence;

c. if, for political motives, the length of the detention or its conditions are clearly out of proportion to the offence the person has been found guilty of or is suspected of;

d. if, for political motives, he or she is detained in a discriminatory manner as compared to other persons; or,

e. if the detention is the result of proceedings which were clearly unfair and this appears to be connected with political motives of the authorities.” (SG/Inf(2001)34, paragraph 10).

An index of the articles of the Criminal Code of Uzbekistan mentioned in the text is given at the end of the list.

In early December 2023, rumors circulated about the possible release of some Karakalpak political prisoners as part of another pardon timed to coincide with the Constitution Day of Uzbekistan on December 8. At the time of publication, Freedom for Eurasia has no record of pardoning any of the Karakalpak political prisoners.

The case of 22 participants in the 2022 protest

The trial took place in Bukhara (Uzbekistan) starting on November 28, 2022. On January 22, 2023, the Court of the Republic of Karakalpakstan (the highest judicial body of the Republic of Kazakhstan) sentenced 16 people to various terms of imprisonment, 6 people to punishment not related to deprivation of liberty. On February 4, 2023, Polat Shamshetov, sentenced to 6 years in prison, died in the Bukhara pre-trial detention center. On June 5, 2023, the Supreme Court of Uzbekistan changed the sentence: out of 15 people in custody, 8 were sentenced to non-custodial sentences, and 6 others had their sentences reduced (except for protest leader Dauletmurat Tajimuratov).

At present, 7 people from this group are held in Uzbek penitentiary institutions:

1. Adilbekov Amirbek Kojabek uli (Адилбеков Амирбек Кожабек улы), 16.07.1993, Nukus, head of the republican branch of the insurance company “SQB INSURANCE”, detained on 28.07.2022, Article 244, Part 3 of the Criminal Code, sentenced to 7 years in a penal colony. The appellate court reduced the sentence to 5 years.

2. Bekmuratov Razbek Orinbay uli (Бекмуратов Разбек Орынбай улы), 25.03.1992, Nukus, teacher of physical education at the Karakalpak State University named after Berdak, won a prize at the Asian Taekwondo Championship (2019), detained on 13.07.2022, Article 244 Part 3 and 247 Part 3 paragraph “a” of the Criminal Code, sentenced to 8 years in a general regime colony. The appellate court reduced the sentence to 6 years.

3. Djiyemuratov Dauletmurat Atamuratovich (Джиемуратов Даулетмурат Атамуратович), 15.03.1984, Karauzyak settlement (Karauzyak district), detained on 06.08.2022, Article 244, Part 3 of the Criminal Code, sentenced to 8 years in a penal colony. The appellate court reduced the sentence to 6 years.

4. Kaipov Sultanbek Uzakbergenovich (Каипов Султанбек Узакбергенович), 10.03.1992, Nukus, detained on 14.07.2022, Article 244 part 3 and 244-1 part 3 paragraph “a” of the Criminal Code, sentenced to 8 years in a penal colony. The appellate court reduced the sentence to 5 years.

5. Nayipov Nurlan Abdullayevich (Найыпов Нурлан Абдуллаевич), 05.02.1968, Aday village (Nukus district), ethnic Kazakh, pensioner (former traffic police officer), bronze medalist of the Asian and Pacific Taekwondo Championship (1993), detained on 15.07.2022, Article 244 Part 3 and 244-1 Part 3 Clauses “a”, “d” of the Criminal Code, sentenced to 7 years in a general regime colony. The appellate court reduced the term of imprisonment to 4 years.

6. Tajimuratov Dauletmurat Mirzamuratovich (Тажимуратов Даулетмурат Мырзамуратович), 27.03.1979, Nukus, former editor-in-chief of the newspaper “El khizmetinde” and lawyer of the law office of the same name, detained on 04.07.2022, Article 159 part 4, 244 part 3, 244-1 part 3 paragraphs “a”, “b”, “d”, 167 part 3 paragraph “a” and 243 of the Criminal Code, sentenced to 16 years in prison (2 years in prison, the rest in a maximum security colony).   

7. Tokimbetov Allabay Kurbanbayevich (Токымбетов Аллабай Курбанбаевич), 14.12.1973, Khodzheli district, detained on 12.07.2022, Article 244, Part 3 of the Criminal Code, sentenced to 8.5 years in a penal colony. The appellate court reduced the term of imprisonment to 5.5 years.

The dates of detention are indicated by the verdict (for Naiypov and Tajimuratov – specified from the video recording).

Sources: verdict, appellate ruling,

The case of 39 participants in the 2022 protest

The trial took place in Bukhara, Uzbekistan, starting on February 6, 2023. On March 17, 2023, the Court of the Republic of Karakalpakstan sentenced 28 people to various terms of imprisonment, 11 people to non-custodial punishment. On June 12, 2023, the Supreme Court of Uzbekistan changed the sentence: out of 28 people held in custody, 5 were sentenced to non-custodial sentences, and 16 prison terms were reduced.

At present, 23 convicts from this group are held in Uzbek penitentiary institutions:

8. Allanazarov Azamat (Алланазаров Азамат), 1997, Nukus, Article 244 Part 3 and 247 Part 3 Paragraph “a” of the Criminal Code, sentenced to 8 years in prison. The appellate court reduced the term of imprisonment to 6 years.

9. Ashirbekov Sharapat Turdimuratovich (Аширбеков Шарапат Турдимуратович), born in 1979, Khodjeli district, Article 244 Part 3 and 244-1 Part 3 Clauses “a” and “d” of the Criminal Code, sentenced to 8 years in prison.

10. Baiymbetov Ruslan (Байымбетов Руслан), born in 1988, Nukus, Article 244, Part 3 of the Criminal Code, sentenced to 7 years in prison.

11. Bailepesov Nursultan (Байлепесов Нурсултан), 1993, Nukus, Article 244 Part 3 and 28-247 Part 3 Paragraph “a” of the Criminal Code, sentenced to 6 years in prison. The appellate court reduced the term of imprisonment to 5 years.

12. Bauetdinov Nusret (Бауетдинов Нусрет), born in 1970, Kanlykul District, Article 244, Part 3 of the Criminal Code, sentenced to 7.5 years in prison. The appellate court reduced the term of imprisonment to 5.5 years.

13. Bakhiev Kuanyshbay (Бахиев Куанышбай), born in 1988, Nukus, Article 244, Part 3 of the Criminal Code, sentenced to 7 years in prison. The appellate court reduced the term of imprisonment to 6 years.

14. Begaliev Kuanyshbay Zhaksybayevich (Бегалиев Куанышбай Жақсыбаевич), born in 1989, Nukus, Article 244, Part 3 of the Criminal Code, sentenced to 7 years in prison

15. Bekpolatov Kongratbay Yusupbayevich (Бекполатов Конгратбай Юсупбаевич), born in 1985, Nukus, Article 244, Part 3 of the Criminal Code, sentenced to 7 years in prison. The appellate court reduced the term of imprisonment to 6 years.

16. Dosnazarov Oralbay Begniyazovich (Досназаров Оралбай Бегниязович), born in 1977, Nukus, lawyer of the law firm “Nyzam Ustinligi”, Article 244 Part 3 and 244-1 Part 3 Clauses “a” and “d” of the Criminal Code, sentenced to 11 years in prison.

17. Dosymbetov Rustam Urazbayevich (Досымбетов Рустам Уразбаевич), born in 1985, Nukus, Article 244, Part 3 of the Criminal Code, sentenced to 8 years in prison. The appellate court reduced the term of imprisonment to 6 years.

18. Duisenbayev Nursultan (Дуйсенбаев Нурсултан), 1998, Nukus, Article 244 Part 3 and 28-247 Part 3 Paragraph “a” of the Criminal Code, sentenced to 7.5 years in prison. The appellate court reduced the term of imprisonment to 5 years.

19. Yesemuratov Aidos Tursinbay uly (Есемуратов Айдос Турсинбай улы), 1993, Nukus, Article 244, Part 3 of the Criminal Code, sentenced to 7 years in prison. The appellate court reduced the sentence to 5 years.

20. Eshzhanov Kamal Zhenisbay uly (Ешжанов Камал Женисбай улы), born in 1999, Kanlykol District, Article 244, Part 3 of the Criminal Code, sentenced to 6 years’ imprisonment. The appellate court reduced the term of imprisonment to 5 years.

21. Zhumabekov Alpamys (Жумабеков Алпамыс), 1994, Nukus, Article 244 Part 3 and 28-247 Part 3 Paragraph “a” of the Criminal Code, sentenced to 6 years in prison. The appellate court reduced the term of imprisonment to 5 years.

22. Kurbanov Omirbek Kabilbergenovich (Курбанов Омирбек Кабилбергенович), born in 1986, Nukus, civil activist, in 2017 was one of the initiators of the creation of the Human Rights Alliance of Karakalpakstan, detained on 03.07.2022, Article 244 part 3 and 244-1 part 3 paragraphs “a”, “d” of the Criminal Code, sentenced to 10.5 years in prison.

23. Nadirbayev Dauletkeldi Nadirbayevich (Надирбаев Даулеткелди Надирбаевич), born in 1988, Takhtakopir district, lawyer of the district branch of the People’s Bank, Article 244, Part 3 of the Criminal Code, sentenced to 7 years in prison. The appellate court reduced the term of imprisonment to 5 years.

24. Omirzakov Asylbek Onerbaevich (Омирзаков Асылбек Онербаевич), born in 1991, Kegeyli district, Article 244 Part 3 and 166 Part 2 Clauses “a” and “c” of the Criminal Code, sentenced to 8 years of imprisonment. The appellate court reduced the term of imprisonment to 7 years.

25. Pirzhanov Zairbek Zhetpisbayevich (Пиржанов Заирбек Жетписбаевич), (16.04.) 1986, Nukus, Article 244, Part 3 of the Criminal Code, sentenced to 7 years in prison. The appellate court reduced the term of imprisonment to 6 years.

26. Ramanov Dauranbek Makhmutovich (Раманов Дауранбек Махмутович), born in 1996, Nukus, assistant to Dauletmurat Tadjibaev, Articles 244 Part 3 and 244-1 Part 3 Clauses “a” and “d” of the Criminal Code, sentenced to 9 years in prison.

27. Rakhmanov Manas Khalmet uly (Рахманов Манас Халмет улы), born in 1993, Nukus, Article 244, Part 3 of the Criminal Code, sentenced to 7 years in prison.

28. Sariyev Adilbek Boranbayevich (Сариев Адилбек Боранбаевич), born in 1985, Nukus District, Article 244, Part 3 of the Criminal Code, sentenced to 7 years in prison. The appellate court reduced the term of imprisonment to 6 years.

29. Tadzhimuratov Zamirbek Talasbayevich (Таджимуратов Замирбек Таласбаевич), born in 1988, Nukus, Article 244, Part 3 of the Criminal Code, sentenced to 8 years in prison. The appellate court reduced the term of imprisonment to 7 years.

30. Khabipov Nuratdiyin Kiunemjaevich (Хабипов Нуратдийин Киунемжаевич), born in 1992, Nukus, serviceman of the Nukus City Security Department of the National Guard Department, Article 244, Part 3 of the Criminal Code, sentenced to 8 years in prison.

Note: One individual charged in “Case 39” was sentenced to serve his sentence in a maximum security colony, the rest were sentenced to a general prison.

Sources: The verdict and other documents related to Case 39 remain unavailable. It is based on the online publications of, ( and Asiaterra ( Information about some names and places of residence has been checked against the “verdict of 22”. Where possible, minor discrepancies have been eliminated or noted.

The case of activist Zhumasapar Dadebayev, convicted for supporting the idea of Karakalpakstan’s sovereignty on the Internet and calling for rallies

He was convicted on August 10, 2022 by the Mirzo-Ulugbek District Court of Tashkent during a closed trial. On October 27, 2022, the Tashkent City Court dismissed the appeal, upholding the verdict.

31. Dadebayev Zhumasapar Egenmiratovich, 10.10.1986, Istanbul (Turkey), ethnic Turkmen, civic activist and blogger, detained on January 10, 2022 in the suburbs of Istanbul, deported to Uzbekistan on January 12, 2022, detained upon arrival at the Tashkent airport, Article  155 Part 1, 156 Part 2, 158 Part 3, 159 Part 4, 215, 244 Part 3, 244-1 Part 3 of Clause “d”, 244-2 Part 1, 139 Part 3 of Clauses “a”, “d” and 140 Part 3 of Clause “a”  of the Criminal Code,  He was sentenced to 12 years in a penal colony.

He was born in the village of Saraykol in the Khojaly region (now it belongs to the Takhiatash district). Since 2018, he has lived in Istanbul, spoke in support of the movement for the sovereignty of Karakalpakstan, declared himself as the founder of the Dostluk party, acting on behalf of the Turkmens of Karakalpakstan. In January 2022, he was abducted in Istanbul and illegally transferred to Uzbekistan during a joint operation of the special services.

Sources: verdict, appellate ruling.

Case of human rights defender Mr Saadattin Reimov

He was convicted on December 19, 2022 by the Khojeli District Court. On February 6, 2023, the Court of the Republic of Karakalpakstan dismissed the appeal, leaving the verdict unchanged

32. Reimov Saadattin Baltabayevich, 18.03.1967, Khodjeli district, civil activist, former boxer, detained on August 29, 2022, Article 159, Part 1 of the Criminal Code, sentenced to 4 years in prison.

Reimov was arrested for talking about an upcoming rally for the release of political prisoners in Karakalpakstan, secretly recorded on August 23, 2022 by a provocateur acting on the instructions of the police. According to sources, he was summoned to the police department and detained on August 24, 2022.

Saadatdin Reimov is a distinguished activist with a longstanding commitment to the independence of the Karakalpak Republic. In 2017, he was one of the initiators of the creation of the Human Rights Alliance of Karakalpakstan. His tireless efforts include endeavours such as establishing December 14 as the Karakalpak Republic Day.

In 2019, Reimov’s advocacy led him to the OSCE conference in Warsaw, following which he faced persecution for his stance and “affiliation with the West” in Uzbekistan. Between 2019 and 2020, he pushed for the recognition of Karakalpakstan as a sovereign state within Uzbekistan in birth certificate, challenging the prevailing view of it as merely an Uzbek region.

Throughout 2020 and 2021, Reimov pressed the Ministry of Justice of the Karakalpak Republic to revive political parties like “Insan Mapi” and “Alga Karakalpakstan,” receiving only vague acknowledgments that his claims were under consideration. In 2021, his efforts to investigate the reduction of Karakalpak language class hours in schools and the increase of Uzbek language, along with the switch in language for official documents, resulted in a 15-day arrest and two fines for organizing language-saving rallies.

In July 2022, he was subjected to administrative arrest for 15 days for trying to travel to Nukus to participate in the July 1 rally.

One of the sons of Saadattin Reymov Siyfatdin Saadattin uuly, on DOB 28.05.2002, is serving a three-year sentence in the case of the incident on December 22, 2022, which was qualified as “coercion to perjury” (Article 238, Part 2 of the Criminal Code) against the provocateur, on whose testimony his father was accused. He was sentenced on May 11, 2023 by the Khodjeyli District Court.

Sources: appellate ruling, information from Alga Karakalpakstan

The case of human rights defender Mr Kungratbay Rejepov

He was convicted on December 16, 2022 by the Khojeli District Court. There is no record of an appeal.

33. Rejepov Kungratbay Dauletbayevich, born 22.01.1967, Khodzheli district, civil activist, no data on the time of detention and charges, sentenced to 7.5 years in prison.

Notes: On 8 July 2002 he was subjected to administrative arrest for 15 days, according to some reports, in connection with the rallies in Nukus. In 2017, he was one of the initiators of the creation of the Human Rights Alliance of Karakalpakstan.

Sources: Alga Karakalpakstan

The articles of the Criminal Code referred to are as follows:

28 – complicity

139 – libel (incriminated to Dadebayev)

140 Part 3 Paragraph “a” – insult in connection with the performance of official duty by the victim (incriminated to Dadebayev)

155 – terrorism (incriminated to Dadebayev)

156 – incitement of ethnic or religious hatred (incriminated to Dadebayev)

158 part 3 – public insult or slander against the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (incriminated to Dadebayev)

159 Part 1 – public calls for unconstitutional change of the state system or violation of the unity of the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan (incriminated to Reimov)

159 Part 4 – conspiracy to seize power or overthrow the constitutional order of the Republic of Uzbekistan (incriminated to Tajimuratov and Dadebayev)

166 – robbery (incriminated to Omirzakov)

167 – embezzlement (incriminated to Tajimuratov)

215 – desecration of state symbols (incriminated to Dadebayev)

243 – legalization of proceeds of crime (incriminated to Tajimuratov)

244 Part 3 – organization or participation in mass riots (30 participants of the unrest in Karakalpakstan and Dadebayev were incriminated)

244-1 – production or distribution of materials threatening public security (incriminated to 7 participants in the unrest in Karakalpakstan and Dadebayev)

244-2 – participation in religious extremist, separatist, fundamentalist or other banned organizations (incriminated to Dadebayev)

247 – illegal seizure of firearms and ammunition (incriminated to five participants in the unrest in Karakalpakstan on episodes of disarming “security forces” on July 2, 2022)

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