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Violence Against Women Increasing in Central Asia

In a special episode of the Majlis podcast, leading experts on human rights and gender-based violence (GBV) in Central Asia came together to discuss the region’s persistent challenges in combating GBV. The discussion coincided with the annual 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence campaign, which began on November 25.

Hosted by Bruce Pannier, the episode featured Khalida Azhigulova, a Kazakhstan-based lawyer and international consultant on the prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse; Svetlana Dzardanova, a human rights and corruption researcher at Freedom for Eurasia; and Niginakhon Saida, a researcher, educator, and freelance journalist from Uzbekistan specializing in Islam, education, and gender issues in Central Asia.

The experts shared insights from their research and professional experience, discussing key drivers of gender-based violence, including entrenched social norms, legislative shortcomings, and a lack of coordinated governmental responses. Their conversation shed light on pressing issues while emphasizing the need for data-driven policies and collaborative regional efforts.

To listen to the full podcast, please follow this link:

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